Monday, 14 October 2013

Short Answers

01. What is the "hole in the wall" project?

It's a project where children in remote areas have access to a computer which allows them to teach themselves without a teacher.

Sugata Mitra

Meg Ray homework

:Homework for Monday, complete the exam questions with model answers. Add a tl;dr. The first one has been done for you.

Define the following terms as they are used by Psychologist Meg Ray.

Extended adolescence
Adolescence is commonly understood as beginning at birth and ending with the end of puberty. Extended adolescence is the detrimental prolongation of adolescent behaviours beyond puberty and the deferment of adult roles and adult responsibility. Some consequences named in the video include not being able to have the career you want, not being able to marry the person you want, not being able to have the children you want.


Extended adolescence is a continuation of pubescent behaviour post-puberty. Biological adulthood without social or mental adulthood.


Neologism describing a new generation of young adults trapped between adolescence and adulthood. They are mostly people who still live with their parents. They don't have jobs; or their jobs are part-time and often paid. Twixters tend to marry later and defer other important life decisions until later as well. synonym: kidults, peter-pan, young-at-heart, empty of wallet.

Polish equivalent: gniazdowniki (people who won't leave the nest)

Being intentional and making mindful choices.
Doing something on purpose. Thinking out your actions and acting on them.

To infantalize is to treat an adult person like a child or reduce their status to that of an infant or child.

Trivialized defining decade
Deprecating the value of your twenties.

Underestimating the most flexible time of our lives.

Benign neglect
Ignoring or dismissing as unimportant some issue immediately which manifests adverse consequences much later.

Blowing it
Failing to take advantage of an opportunity, when you are messing up, or screwing up, or doing something wrong

Robbed of urgency and ambition
Society's attitude towards twentysomethings encourages them to waste time, delay important life decisions, slack off. This is epitomized in the phrase "Your 30s are your new 20s"

The perception that twentysomethings have the option of  'do over,' ie. they can defer indefinitely important life decisions again and again.

Identity capital
An investment in who you want to be and what you want your life to look like. Identity capital is achieved by exploring work opportunities and engaging in meaningful relationship.

Investment in your adulthood and creating a social network to make a proper foundation for the future. It's about adding value to who you andwho you want to be.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Bulent,

    Am I unclassified? And not allowed to proceed to the exam?

    yours sincerely,
    Olgierd Domanus
    sunday 8:00 class
